Liberal establishment MSM out with new meme: Repealing ObamaCare will COST $1 trillion!: "The sycophantic suck-ups in the establishment MSM is already in full-bore attack the GOP mode. It started before they were even sworn in. They're all failures. They didn't get their agenda done yet. Blah, blah, blah. Via Instapundit yesterday:
PROFESSOR JACOBSON: OPERATION DEMORALIZE.And I see this in the Detroit Free Press this morning:The mainstream media will undertake, and already has undertaken, a concerted effort to blame the Republican House for everything that goes wrong, for not living up to promises, for living up to promises, for failing to compromise, for selling out, etc.Absolutely right. Related, from Don Surber: “Yes, House Republicans have been in power for 5 hours and they have not passed their entire agenda. The New York Times thinks they should be canned and Democrats put back in charge.”
Do not fall for it.
Holding the Republican House to its commitments is one thing; falling for Operation Demoralize is something else.
If you think that the mainstream media is not still 100% in the tank for Obama, think again.
Keep your eye on 2012. They are.
From the article: Dems say GOP exempting $1 trillion from deficit
Democrats are accusing newly empowered House Republicans of exempting more than $1 trillion in proposed tax cuts and higher spending over the next 10 years from a promise to cut federal deficits.Just for the record, they were sworn in HOURS ago. It hasn't even been one God-blessed day yet! What are the proposed exemptions that will hurt us? Why repealing ObamaCare of course! Never mind that the numbers were gamed in the first place. Let's see, ObamaCare kicks in 2014 but the taxes started in 2010, so 6 years of benefits for 10 years of taxes. plus the doctor fix. Plus the bilking of Medicare for $500 billion. Plus the double counting of savings. Plus the Medicare actuary coming out after passage of the bill saying that ObamaCare bent the cost curve upwards. Plus the fact that every government entitlement program has been more expensive than first predicted. All that doen't matter to the AP or the Detroit Free Press. All that does matter is Democrat rhetoric that they are all to willing to pass on to us readers:
The exemptions include a bill to repeal last year's health care legislation as well as GOP-backed proposals extending a series of tax cuts for upper income filers that are due to expire in two years, according to a tally several Senate Democrats were to present at a midmorning new conference today.They were just sworn in YESTERDAY! Give it more than 18 hours for Pete's sake! Note the headline again: Dems SAY GOP exempting $1 trillion from deficit. Tak about carrying the water!
...The effort to repeal President Barack Obama's health care bill is the first major measure expected to come before the House. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the year-old legislation will reduce deficits by $143 billion over the next decade, suggesting its repeal would raise red ink by the same amount.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., disputed the CBO estimate this week, but Republicans have yet to produce one of their own.
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