Good News: Ford hires environmental Nazi Ed Begley Jr as spokesman: "Environmental Nazi wants all of us to live like he does - catching his own rainwater and running his toaster oven with an exercise bike. Just to show you what solid ground this man stands on, he has previously hailed the coming of the Chevy Volt and the Nissan Leaf, but now that he has been hired by Ford he slams both:
Begley is the same one that had this meltdown on Fox News, insisting after the CRU Climatgate scandal that showed the hijacking of the peer-review process to stonewall skeptics while publishing their own garbage that the peer-review process still needs to be held up on a pedestal as high as heaven itself:
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From Henry Payne at The Michigan View: Auto shock: Ford teams with Green clown BegleyFord pulled out the trump card: radical Hollywood environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. - once Prius advocate - who proclaimed that Ford's new Ford Focus electric car made it the new King of Green.Ed Begley Jr can best be described as a smug Hollywood elitist running on his own empty sanctimonious rhetoric that come across as farts that he himself likes to smell:
A giant three-story Ed - flanked by a polar bear and the Ford logo - spread his arms wide across the Cobo Arena video screen as a Ford 'halo logo' appeared above his head and said: 'So if someone asks me where to look for an elecric vehicle, what do I tell them? Ford. Yup, Ford gets it.'
Begley followed with thinly-veiled shots at Nissan' electric Leaf and Tyota's patriarch before fading out and introducing the Green Chairman himself, Bill 'I'm an environmentalist myself' Ford, Jr., who emerged from an electric Ford live on stage.
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