Ted Turner: Obama made ‘Big Mistake’ by ramming through ObamaCare rather than cap-and-trade: "Ted Turner believes we should kill our economy which will do nothing to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Human activity, after all, is responsible for only 3% of CO2 emissions, the vast majority being produced by oceans and vegetation decaying. Before the current news, a bit of Turner history from the memory hole: Video of Ted Turner: If we don't stop global warming 'then we’ll be extinct. And when that happens we’ll be sorry”. I'm not sure how a dead civilization can be sorry about anything, but anyway.In any case, Turner is quite the disciple of environmentalism. He came out yesterday blasting Obama for not shoving cap-and-trade down our throats. From Bloomberg via drudge:
U.S. President Barack Obama made a “big mistake” in pushing health-care legislation before climate change, billionaire Ted Turner said today.This is the same conference where the UN delegates were praying to a pagan god. (Why the hell not? United Nations global warming negotiators pray to a Mayan god)
“We would have an energy climate change bill in the United States if President Obama had made that his top priority and brought that to the American people and Congress first rather than the health-care bill,” Turner, founder of Time Warner Inc.’s CNN, said today at a conference in Cancun, Mexico. “But he didn’t, and I think it was a big mistake.”
...“The climate bill is much more important than health care because the climate situation is about life and death whereas the health-care bill was much more limited,” Turner, 72, said.Healthcare is not about life and death, but non-existent global warming is. Good grief. Exit question: just when was it that Turner became a nutbar?
UPDATE: Even moonbat mothers don't believe in global warming:
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