Saturday, December 18, 2010

Stunner. Wikileaks Memos Reveal Communist Tyrant Castro’s Love For Obama

from The Gateway Pundit

Stunner. Wikileaks Memos Reveal Communist Tyrant Castro’s Love For Obama: "

“Hello, Barry?”

Castro reportedly watched Obama’s inauguration. (CNN)

What a complete shock.

Newly released Wikileaks memos reveal that brutal communist tyrant Fidel Castro is infatuated with far left President Barack Obama.

The Guardian Reported:

Barack and Fidel: like so many great love affairs it was doomed. But memory of the passion, or at least infatuation, lingers.

Having seen off 10 US presidents – all committed to his assassination, overthrow or isolation – Fidel Castro had more reason than most to beware the occupant of the Oval Office.

But Barack Obama was different. The octogenarian communist revolutionary fell for the young new president and became “obsessed”, according to confidential US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

Having confidently predicted the US would not elect a black man, Castro sat bolt upright when the candidate of hope and change swept to the White House. His Reflections columns in the communist party newspaper, Granma, were filled with observations about, then praise for, Obama.

The US diplomatic mission in Havana, long accustomed to reporting the commandante’s diatribes against American tyranny, was not prepared for fan mail.

“Fidel’s subsequent Reflection on 9 June will only add to speculation from our civil society and diplomatic contacts that Fidel is obsessed with President Obama,” said one memo.

Obama’s speech in Cairo on US relations with Muslims inspired a 3,500-word response from the retired Cuban leader in which he lauded Obama as a “very good communicator” with “impressive working capacity”. Coming from a workaholic famous for marathon speeches, this was praise indeed.

He noted that the president of the US, called “Potus” in the cables, took office at an “exceptionally complex time” and could not be blamed for the Middle East quagmire he inherited.

“Fidel mostly sympathised with Potus – in his own way,” said a memo from Jonathan Farrar, the US chief of mission. “Fidel then continued his attempts to walk a thin line between a positive impression of a popular US president and the idea that the evil empire will never change.”


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