Saturday, December 11, 2010

Study: Even looking at second-hand smoke will cause your DNA to explode

Junk scientists are out again waging a full-scale assault on second-hand smoke. Never mind that people like Obama continue to enjoy first-hand smoke. The studies themselves are a farce because you simply cannot gauge how much 2nd hand smoke someone breathes, much less a total number for the entire planet. But this one may take the cake. From The Grand Rapids Press via MLive: Report: Even one cigarette or brief exposure to secondhand smoke damages DNA, causes cancer. The piece includes a warning by the Surgeon General of teh US that is so obese she is the size of two people:
From the article:
A U.S. Surgeon General report released today confirms what many anti-smoking advocates have believed for years – even brief exposure to secondhand smoke or the occasional light up causes instant damage to the body.

our morbidly obese Surgeon General
The scientific study, "How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease" said tobacco smoke contains a "deadly mixture" of more than 7,000 toxic, cancer-causing chemicals that damage DNA with every exposure.

"The chemicals in tobacco smoke reach your lungs quickly every time you inhale causing damage immediately," said U.S. Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin, who hosted a press conference broadcast live on the Internet.

"I think people think that they can smoke for a while and just quit and then then the damage will go away because your body has an uncanny ability to heal itself" said Mishelle Bakewell, Metro Health's representative to West Michigan's Tobacco Free Partners. "What people don't realize is you never know what that one cigarette will do to you."

The findings also show it's not just heavy smokers who get smoking-related diseases, or have heart or asthma attacks triggered by cigarette smoke.

"Smoking is radioactive," said Dr. Tom Peterson, chair of Tobacco Free Partners and executive director of safety, quality and community health for Helen DeVos Children's Hospital.

"Smoking causes more disease and death than anything else that exists," he said.
I beg to differ. There are far bigger things to be concerned about: Shock: 600k annual deaths from 2nd hand smoke. Non-shock: 42 MILLION annual deaths from 1st hand abortion. Why doesn't the AP wring its wrists and gnash their teeth in opining that abortion be banned rather than smoking because of so many deaths? In fact, abortion is the #3 cause of death worldwide after heart disease and stroke (the WHO of course doesn't list abortion, but just check the numbers). Abortion is also the #1 risk factor for breast cancer that claims 500,000 women annually. Let's listen to the science and ban abortion before going after 2nd hand anything.

One thing I suspect not said in the study is that most of those 7,000 chemicals are reaction not just to cigarette smoke but any kind of smoke. Wood fireplaces, tailpipe emissions, etc. You name it. It's totally junk science. Our morbidly obese surgeon general, by the way, was on the Burger King payroll.

Previously on our Surgeon General:
Surgeon general: More white football players needed
No surprise here: Obama's obese surgeon general nominee on Burger King payroll
Obama Surgeon General Pick: All Doctors Should Learn To Do Abortions!

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