Friday, December 10, 2010

Reid Adds $55 Billion Of Pork To “Tax Bill” Trying To Coax More Dems To The Table

from Red White Blue News

Reid Adds $55 Billion Of Pork To “Tax Bill” Trying To Coax More Dems To The Table: "

RWB News: This should help get more democrats to the table, we all know how they love the smell of other people’s Earned Money, but it better make more republicans get up and leave. Reid felt he had to slip in $55 Billion in Earmarks and Pork to help the “Class warfare” Libs in his party save face and vote for the Presidents compromise. Pretty sad that the only way Dems can get the liberals to go along with the President’s compromise is to waste more tax payer money all while saying “the “Rich” doesn’t deserve to keep the money they EARN.”

Remember the Dems own the House and Senate right now until January 1st. If this tax deal doesn’t get done and every American sees their paychecks get smaller they only have themselves to blame.

I thought this Bill was about extending unemployment(which we can’t pay for) and not raising taxes on any American in these tough times (a Tax is not a debt….we don’t have to pay for this because it really wasn’t our money to begin with, we just need to cut back spending) . This Bill is no longer a “Tax Deal” for all Americans and has become massive spending bill for the Dems going away party.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid gestures during a news conference on Capitol Hill Dec. 8. (AP Photo)

I love the way Obama admitted yesterday that Tax Cuts create jobs. Rush had a little different take.

Obama said: Every economist that I’ve talked to ooor that I’ve read over the last couple of days acknowledges that this agreement would boost economic growth in the coming years and has the potential to create millions of jobs. The average American family will start 2011 knowing that there will be more money to pay the bills each month, more money to pay for tuition, more money to raise their children. But if this framework fails, the reverse is true. Americans would see it in smaller paychecks; that would have the effect of fewer jobs.

Rush Responded: See? Right there, folks. He’s making my point. Now, do you believe that all of a sudden a lifetime of belief has just been thrown down the sewer and Obama all of a sudden has now become a true believer, a supply-sider? “Every economist that I’ve talked to or that I’ve read over the last couple of days acknowledges that this agreement would boost economic growth in the coming years”? Folks, if he really believes that, this is time for the Republicans to make this a tax cut! This is time for them to propose an actual marginal income tax rate cut. Put him on the spot. He does not believe this — and furthermore he’s got a ton of economists, Democrat economists, who don’t believe this.

“The compromise tax plan he’s agree to with congressional Republicans will give businesses incentives to grow and hire and help create millions of jobs” Obama said yesterday. What part are the Liberal Dems upset about when we are talking about giving businesses incentives to grow and hire or helping create millions of jobs? I know what part it is, giving those mean rich business owners incentive to grow an hire…that is what “Class warfare” is all about isn’t it? Stealing money from people who earn it because they have to much of it. We do not have a Revenue Problem in this Country, we have a spending problem and Harry Reid is proving it by adding all this pork in the bill.

His pork covers a host of wasteful alternative energy credits, a potential salve for environmentally conscious lawmakers, as well as targeted benefits for everything from the film and television industry to mining companies to rum producers.

Fox News:

The sweeping tax cut bill introduced Thursday night by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is chock-full of sweeteners which could serve as a legislative pacifier for Democrats outraged over the concessions President Obama has handed to Republicans.

The stimulus-sized package includes about $55 billion worth of short-term tax extensions for businesses and individuals. They cover a host of alternative energy credits, a potential salve for environmentally conscious lawmakers, as well as targeted benefits for everything from the film and television industry to mining companies to rum producers.

Reid has set up a test vote on the package for Monday, which could clear the way for a final vote as early as Wednesday. The bill stands a good chance of passage in the Senate, but the House is less predictable as rebellious Democrats accuse the president of caving and clamor for changes.

Obama, in an interview with NPR News, predicted Congress would ultimately approve the tax-cut compromise, though he would not rule out more changes in the bill.

“Here’s what I’m confident about — that nobody, Democrat or Republican, wants to see people’s paychecks smaller on Jan. 1 because Congress didn’t act,” Obama said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/10/obama-predicts-tax-passage-senate-presses-ahead/#ixzz17kIzcTjV

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