Obama is no Christian: By executive order, faith-based organizations may no longer conduct worship services while providing social programs funded with federal money: "I have said many times in this blog that Obama is not only not a Christian, but he is anti-Christian. He sympathizes with Islam and and is holding his boot on the throat of Christian religious expression. This news went way, way under the radar as it was quietly released during Thanksgiving week. From Courthouse News Service: No More Sermons at the Soup Kitchen
'Entanglement?' The 1st amendment to the US Constitution reads 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.' Where does the word 'entanglement' appear there? And if the Congress can make no law prohibiting the free expression of religion, what law will they be breaking?...President Obama has amended a 2002 Executive Order from President George W. Bush that allowed faith-based social programs to get federal aid.
Illegal activity according to Obama
Bush's order allowed religious services to be conducted at the same time and in the same place as the social program offered, so long as the service itself was not supported by the money allocated to the social program.
Thus, visitors to a soup kitchen run by a church might hear a sermon while getting their food.
President Obama's amendment mandates separation of the two activities, in time or place, and forbids making participation in a religious activity a requirement for receiving the benefits of the federally funded program.The amendments also require the government to 'monitor and enforce standards regarding the relationship between religion and government in ways that avoid excessive entanglement between religious bodies and governmental entities.'
Religious organizations will have to refer beneficiaries of federally funded programs who object to the religious character of the program provider to an alternative provider within a 'reasonable period of time.'This isn't separation of church and state, words not in the US Constitution, it is a separation between faith and state, something antithesis to what the Founding Fathers planned for us. In May I wrote this post: Good grief! Seniors Barred from Praying Before Meals at Nursing Home Because Meals Are Subsidized By Feds. Our the government was set up in part to promote, but not establish, Christianity - the true religion. After all, the pilgrims sailed here for that very reason, no? It's worthy to note that Thomas Jefferson himself made federal money available for the building of churches and the printing of Bibles. By the way, where do our unalienable rights originate from exactly? We need only look at history:
To enforce the new requirements, the amendment creates the Interagency Working Group on Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Partnerships, which is charged with writing rules to implement the changes across the government and all organizations that receive federal funding.
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