Irony: Doctors call for moratorium on fast food in Detroit citing 3,400 deaths from heart disease. Neglect 6,365 nnual deaths from... ABORTION!: "If these doctors want to save lives, then they should be calling for a ban on abortion in the abortion capital of Michigan. Instead, they want to go all out food Nazi on the residents of Detroit. LA recently banned any new fast food restaurants in the city:
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From The Detroit News: Doctors call for moratorium on fast food in DetroitA nonprofit medical group is calling for Mayor Dave Bing to impose a moratorium on new fast food restaurants.Of course, this group neglects completely the #1 cause of death in Detroit - abortion. In 2008, there were 6,365 abortions performed on Detroit residents. This is more than 25% of all abortions performed on Michigan residents statewide even though the population of Detroit is less than 10% of the state's total population.
Citing a study that shows Detroit has the more fast-food restaurants than four other cities with similar population sizes, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is calling for the moratorium.
'I'm writing you to declare a public health emergency,' the letter from Susan Levin, the group's director of nutrition reads. '…It's time to tackle Detroit's heart disease problem head on. A moratorium on new fast food restaurants could be a critically important step toward fighting this epidemic.'
The group says the moratorium is needed because 'Detroit's high-fat and meat-heavy diets' have helped cause heart problems. More than 3,400 Detroiters die of heart disease each year, and the city has the fourth-highest rate of heart disease deaths of all U.S. cities, according to the World Health Organization.
The doctors group also cannot possibly correlate the number of fast food restaurants with any disease whatsoever. Forget causality, they don't even have correlating data. Abortion on the other hand a is 1st-hand death. There is nothing to interpret there. How about ban abortion in Detroit to maximize the saving of life?
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