Friday, December 17, 2010

Good grief: ObamaCare lawyers argue that health insurance premiums is itself a tax

This is absurd. As a Professor in a University, I choose a healthcare plan from a pool that my U negotiate with providers. I make a choice based on coverage and cost. The Obama regime is arguing in court that no matter what I choose, I am paying a tax to a private company to cover myself and my family. Uh - what?!? By that reasoning, when I buy apples at the grocery store for $0.68 per pound, I am paying a $0.68 per pound tax. In fact, every product or service I purchase is a tax. It's absurd because 1) only government collects taxes, 2) I don't get to choose whether I pay a tax, and 3) I can choose whether or not to buy a private product or service. From Megan McCardle via memeorandum, InstapunditGovernment Arguing That Health Insurance Premiums Are Really Taxes?
The arguments on the health care mandate in Florida went forward today, with the government trying to clarify how the mandate is a tax, (though not in a way that would mean Barack Obama lied about raising taxes on people with incomes below $250,000 a year), and not an attempt to grossly exceed the enumerated powers of the legislature.  
Note: recall that Obama angrily and adamantly denied the mandate was a tax to We the People on national TV:
This led to a rather novel formulation of what, exactly, the mandate is for, as chronicled by the Official Asymmetrical Information Spouse:
According to an Obama administration lawyer, you don't have to worry about the precedent set by ObamaCare's individual mandate to purchase health insurance. The government isn't going to make you buy vegetables or new cars. After all, with the mandate, the government isn't really forcing you to buy a "product," because insurance is just a way of financing health care
Wouldn't that imply that healthcare is not a private service?  With that logic, wouldn't a car just be a means of facilitating economic activity? After all, it's what gets most of us to our jobs. Therefore it would fall under the commerce clause and the government CAN force us to buy a car. Next year, everyone gets a Chevy Volt or pays a $10,000 fee.
From Bloomberg's report on the hearing regarding the health care law the took place in Florida earlier today:
[U.S. District Judge Roger] Vinson asked [lawyer for the states David] Rivkin whether the government's theory would allow regulation of any behavior with an economic impact.

"They can decide how much broccoli everyone should eat each week?" Vinson asked.

"Certainly," replied Rivkin, an attorney in the Cleveland-based law firm Baker Hostetler LLP.

"We've always exercised the freedom whether we want to buy or not buy a product," Vinson told the Obama administration's lawyer.

[Obama lawyer Ian] Gershengorn said health insurance is "a financing mechanism," not a product. "It's not shoes," he said. "It's not cars. It's not broccoli."
I am glad to see that the government's fine lawyers can make these sometimes difficult distinctions. But the issue here is not whether insurance is a financing mechanism or a physical good like shoes or vegetables. The issue is whether under the Constitution the federal government can compel an individual to participate in a private market transaction--purchasing health insurance from a private company--in which the individual had not otherwise chosen to participate.

Moreover, if it's really just a revenue-raising mechanism, a way for the government to pay for health care, then aren't they saying that the insurance premiums paid to health insurance companies actually taxes? This is different from the administration's argument that the penalty for not complying with the mandate is a tax. Instead, they're effectively describing the premiums themselves as taxes--financing mechanisms that the government uses to pay for care.
And this is a key point in the piece IMO:
But if that's the case, shouldn't the CBO have scored the total cost of these premiums--the cost involved for everyone to purchase insurance? That wouldn't be unprecedented. One of the things that  helped kill HillaryCare in 1994 was a decision by the Congressional Budget Office to score the cost of requiring private-sector employers and individuals to purchase insurance. Each and every one of those mandatory premiums was added to the cost, revealing just how expensive the scheme was
Megan asks at the end "would it be constitutional to effectively declare that the nation's health insurers are branch offices of the Internal Revenue Service?" Not any more than it would be to make such a declaration about a car dealership or a grocery store. Lastly, always remember that Obama promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 annually:

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