Friday, December 31, 2010

Dem State Rep Cracks Bad ‘White Sheets’ Joke Linking GOP to KKK

State representative Robert Brown, D, is under fire from Georgia Republicans after making a live on-air wisecrack that seemed to compare the GOP to the Ku Klux Klan.

During a Tuesday morning appearance on 13WMAZ's Close-Up program, Brown suggested that a fellow Democratic legislator who recently switched to the Republican Party might need to keep his white sheets "for the midnight meeting."

Sen. Alan Peake, the state's senate minority leader, says Brown's back-handed comments offended him. "If Sen. Brown was referring to me, or any of my Republican colleagues, or any party switchers, such as my good friend Bubber Epps, as having any association with the Ku Klux Klan, I find that very, very offensive and hope that he would apologize for such a vicious statement," Peake said.

"I find the history and actions of the KKK to be reprehensible and to insinuate any connection with this organization is beyond belief. In fact, history tells us that the Republican Party was the anti-slavery party, and the Democratic Party was where the KKK was concentrated. So maybe Sen. Brown should check the historical facts, after he apologizes for his ridiculous accusation," Peake said.

When asked if he'd like to retract or elaborate on his comment, Brown said he would "let the comment stand for what it is."

"I think people are intelligent. They understand English. I don't have to do an interpretation of that," Brown said.

"I said what I wanted to say."

Sent from my iPhone

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