Saturday, November 6, 2010

WE WON! And Other Stuff I’ve Wanted To Blog About But Haven’t Had Time To

Keith Olbermann: It's laughable that MSNBC, the emotionally inchoate organization, is unbiased to begin with. Preserving their journalistic integrity, indeed. So they symbolically suspend Olbermann because Olbermann donated to a couple candidates who he gave enthusiastic interviews to on his show violating law sucked so bad on election night even MSNBC was embarrassed. Color me skeptical of the noble intentions over there. These people have to have standards to violate them. Meh. He'll be back.

Can Howard Dean beat Obama? No. But it would be fun.

Was it ideology or stupid people not getting the greatness of Obama that cost the election. Come on…..really, Obama?

I always wonder what happens to kidnapped kids. They're probably brainwashed. How do they recover? Are there longitudinal studies of kidnapped kids?

When I hear commentators say that the Republicans should focus on the economy and not focus on repealing Obamacare (as though both can't be tackled at the same time), I wonder what ax they have to grind because this perspective is patently stupid. The American people rejected Obamacare because of how it affected the economy. For example, this research showing that Obamacare will drive people out of the workforce–which is kinda a "duh" conclusion. Employer costs go up, employing employees go down because staffing is the biggest overhead. Hello? Business 101. Dear squishes. Republicans can use tough rhetoric and then craft a bill that will mollify voters until Obama's rear is booted in 2012. Politics. Embrace the possibilities.

Turns out that you're a douche canoe because your great grandpa was too. We all kinda knew this and the research confirms the Christian notion of the sins of the fathers being visited upon the third and fourth generation. Why, of course it is–genetically, economically and geo-politically. Can it be changed? Sure. Choice is always a part of life, but don't underestimate genetics or history. They're powerful forces.

Will the Left be happy with President Obama? Are the left EVER happy? Hahahaha! No.

Do Republicans have something to learn from the election? Oh yes. Do Democrats have a bigger lesson to learn? Double yes. Will they? They haven't so far. Here's the thing: Socialism, in all it's worldwide glorious failure, is enticing. I mean, who doesn't want to get something for nothing? Even better, who doesn't want to take from your Jackass neighbor who has a better house, car, wife, cow, etc. It's called coveting. It's human. It's wrong. And socialism appeals to the base, crass, evil impulse in humans and feeds it while painting the covetousness as morally justifiable while simultaneously ignoring human nature.

Valerie Plame is still vile. Go. Away. You know, hide, like CIA agents are so good at doing….since you're a super awesome secretly agenty person. Bleh.

People focusing on the lack of Republican control of the Senate (mostly power grubbing Republican Senators) miss the most important elections this season: The annihilation of the Democratic party at the state level. This is sweet, sweet justice. Redistricting is the gift that keeps on giving. Guess what, Democrats, welcome to electoral pain.

Dear @$$holes,
You know who you are. You're Jonesin' for some presidential candidate and blab off the record about Sarah Palin because you know that she will be the one to make your candidate's life hard should she decide to run in the 2012 Presidential primary. Get over it, weaky. If she wants to run, she'll be a contender. All your bitching just serves to solidify her standing with the GOP base–don't think it doesn't. If you had even a shred of political sense, you'd know that you're feeding the beast you so desperately want dead.


Irony. It burns.


The future.

I don't think this is unnecessary at all.

Weep, Democrats. Weep.

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