Monday, November 1, 2010

EXPOSED! America’s Democracy Traded Away for a Slice of Pizza!


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via Big Government by LaborUnionReport on 11/1/10

It is hard to believe that, when America's founding fathers established our democratic republic, they could have envisioned it could be so easily manipulated and corrupted so cheaply. However, to Democrats and their union handlers, the ends apparently do justify the means when it comes to transforming America.


America's democratic system for electing our representatives is supposed to be a model for the rest of the world.  Yet, unions and union-funded shadowy groups, along with their Democrat cronies, seem to have come up with a clever way of corrupting America's democracy using Latinos and…pizza.

Last month, we wrote about how unions or their allies could be stealing the mid-term elections even before November 2nd. What you're about to read and see for yourself is one of those events where Hispanic voters were lured to an early voting rally just two weeks ago and fed pizza for their votes…all the while under the watchful gaze of one of Arizona's highest officials.

Early Voting & Absentee Voting.
In California, the SEIU and the California Teachers Association are targeting Latino voters to create new permanent absentee voters.

In Arizona, SEIU-connected Mi Familia Vota has rounded up 20,000 voter registrations from Latinos to establish a "permanent early voting list." According to the Yuma Sun:

"They are going by precinct and talking to folks," said Francisco Heredia, Arizona state director for Mi Familia Vota and spokesman for One Arizona, the organizations behind the effort.

"It has been mainly Latino voters that we are trying to make sure sign up on the permanent early voter list because we feel that by them being on this list they have ample time to make an informed decision on the candidates and propositions that are going to be on the ballot."

In just two months, the seven canvassers have gotten more than 3,000 local Hispanics to sign up for the early ballot.

"Our goal was above 3,000 and we've met that goal," Heredia said.

The group is nonpartisan, and Heredia said it is not their intention to tell voters who to vote for.

Statewide, Mi Familia Vota and One Vote Arizona have registered 20,000 new voters in four months.

"What is more impressive is we have registered over 43,000 on the permanent early voting list," Heredia said, adding that many Hispanics don't vote regularly.

Remember, it is "not their intention to tell voters who to vote for."

Last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Arizona's Proposition 200, which asks people to show proof of citizenship in order to register to vote, violates the National Voter Registration Act. In addition, amid internet rumors of voter fraud, Arizona's Secretary of State issued a statement indicating that his office has been unable to verify or substantiate any of the rumors.

Pizza Politics
In Las Vegas, allegations that Democrat Harry Reid's campaign and union backers are buying votes with free food and Starbucks cards have been shrugged off by Nevada's Secretary of State, SEIU and George Soros-backed Ross Miller. Now that a significant election complaint has been filed in the state of Nevada, we'll wait to see whether Miller actually does his job or continues dodging the issue.

A Pizza Party to Remember.
Last month, you read about the early voting rally planned for October 16th in Phoenix which was organized by Latino groups, including One Arizona, with ties to the SEIU.

The event did, in fact, take place on October 16th.  While the number of attendees was far fewer than the thousands event organizers had hoped for, there were some surprises.

What you are about to see is pictures of the event—posted on line by event goers, as well as video taken at the event by eyewitnesses*. You will note that the much of the video was taken outside the well-guarded, barb-wire topped, chain link fence, which means there is no audio. The reason for this is, according to witnesses, non-hispanics were not allowed into the event unless they worked for a campaign.

While it is unknown whether any actual election laws were violated, both the video, as well as the pictures reveal how utterly corrupted the election process has become.

According to the eyewitnesses, the event was heavily guarded by men wearing orange CDB shirts (CBD stands for Committees for the Defense of the Barrio). Entrants were allowed in through the fences and onto the property by the orange-shirted "security" guards. The event was held on a parking lot that is apparently owned by long-time Arizona Democrat politician Mary Rose Wilcox and her husband.

Entrants were given a ticket, ushered to a tent where voting took place, then given pizza and drinks.

According to the eyewitnesses, two Hispanics entered but came without their ballots and were told to come back with them. They left without pizza, but with a list of Democrats to vote for (at right). Those who had early ballots completed them handed them over then were given pizza. The two Hispanics who left who had no ballots with them were asked if they were offered pizza they said no and were pressured to bring back their early ballots to the event to get help to fill them out. They did not want to and said they wanted to make their own choices who to vote for and left angry thinking this was a fun event they could participate in as advertised.

A Surprise "Guest" Hangs Out at The Pizza Party.

As noted above, non-Hispanics were not allowed in unless they were part of with a politician's campaign. One of the politicians who was present for over an hour at the event was Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry Goddard.  The anti-SB1070 Goddard also happens to be the highest law enforcement officer in Arizona Attorney General of the State.

Goddard spent approximately an hour at the event, chatting up voters.  As he was leaving, he was confronted by the citizens who were not allowed into the event that was advertised as a "public event."

The following is video footage of the event, compiled by the brilliant Ben Howe.

Following the cast-your-vote-for-a-slice-of-pizza, voters placed their ballots in a "ballot box."  As you can see, the "ballot box" was a large 'tupperware'-like bin.  And, standing behind the table is an unidentified person wearing a Goddard Got Art T-Shirt. [Goddard Got Art is a political committee.]

One final note:

As stated above, it is unknown whether any laws were violated. However, when an event that is advertised as a "public event" turns into a Democrat voting event for Hispanics only, then is attended by Democrat politicians—one of them being the highest law enforcement officer in the state—there is something drastically wrong. If it is not illegal, it is surely a sign that the Democrats have manipulated the voting process to the point that the sanctity of the process is now suspect.

*Eyewitnesses to the event wish to remain anonymous due to a fear of retaliation as Arizona's highest law enforcement official, Attorney General Terry Goddard was at the event to campaign for governor.


"I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes."  Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776


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