Saturday, October 16, 2010

UN tries to claim US owes them $1.2 BILLION dollars

RWB News: Obama has stated that he paid all of the UN dues and fees due.  The Administration is claiming that the UN is going back and arguing about contested monies that they feel are due, regardless of how it was settled at the time.  Their budget is in shambles, and they are trying to get it from the US?   WHERE does Obama think he's getting the $1.2 billion the UN is trying to shake us down for?

What is the UN going to threaten us with?  Not allowing us a seat on the Security Council like they did to Canada for supporting Israel?  Human rights violations?  Oh, wait…Obama and Hillary already turned us in for that.

AP @ Breitbart

The United Nations is owed 4.1 billion dollars by member nations with the United States accounting for more than a quarter of the figure, a top UN official said Thursday.

The global economic crisis has caused the new financial troubles at the world body, Under Secretary General for Management Angela Kane told reporters.

"It has been a difficult year in many ways for many member states because of the economic recession," she said. "They have to tighten their belts."

Kane said the United States was the biggest non-payer, while Chile, Iran, Mexico, Venezuela accounted for nine percent of the arrears between them and another 68 countries made up three percent of the missing money.

Only 13 countries out of the 192 UN members have paid all contributions to all the different UN functions, Kane explained. Some 119 have paid their share of the UN's regular annual budget however.

The UN peacekeeping operation was short of 3.2 billion dollars in contributions and the regular budget was down 787 million dollars. UN courts and a fund to pay for the renovation of the UN headquarters in New York was also short of contributions.

The UN money shortfall has risen to 4.1 billion dollars from 2.24 billion at the end of 2009, she said.

According to Kane, the United States total arrears of 1.2 billion included 691 million dollars to the regular budget and 431 million dollars to the giant peacekeeping division.

Susan Rice, the US ambassador, said that since President Barack Obama came to office in January, 2009, the United States has "paid our dues in full and on time. We continue to do so. We have also paid substantial prior arrears."

But she said there are differences with the United States over past debts. "These are so-called contested arrears which have been a subject of difference since the 1990s and before.

"They must be counting contested arrears if it gets to a figure which gets close to anything like that," she said of the 1.2 billion dollar claim.

Kane named the countries who have paid all their dues as Australia, Azerbaijan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland and Tanzania.


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