Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rove – The Great Irony Is That Obama Benefited From Groups That Didn’t Disclose Donors In 2008

Karl Rove was on Fox News "America Live" show discussing the new DNC ad which is, once again, trying to turn the debate towards the "undisclosed donor" meme:

At the 2 and half minute mark Megyn brings up the recent debate between Illinois Republican Congressman Mark Kirk and Democrat Alexi Giannoulias in which the Democrat brings up Rove's name multiple times.

But look, who knows me in Illinois? Not a whole heck a lot of people and am I critical to their vote decision? No. What matters to them is the quality of the two candidates, in this case a mobbed up banker, a banker to mobsters on the Democrat side who has trashed the treasurers office, run the college education fund into debt, siphoned off money from the college education fund to buy himself new furniture and a suv to drive himself around in…and the economy, and they're looking at jobs, and the health care, and the deficit, and spending, thats what they are making their vote decision on.

As for the "undisclosed donor" crap Karl had a whole lot to say: (4:25 mark)

I am happy, I am delighted that the President seems to be so obsessed with me that he and his minions are out there talking about this kind of stuff.

The great irony is the President benefited from 400 million dollars worth of spending in the 2008 election campaign, over 400 million dollars in spending, from groups that didn't disclose their donors. Most of them. The spokesman for the Democrat National Committee was the executive director of Americans United for Change, a 501c4 that attacked Republicans and didn't disclose its donors. Groups like National Resources Defense Council, AARP, NAACP Action Fund, League of Conservation Voters, Planned Parenthood, all of which, VoteVets dot org, all of which are spending in political campaigns and don't disclose its donors and guess who benefits? Democrats. And its a sign of the hypocrisy of the Democrats and their obsession with me.

I'm sorta like Ahab….I'm the great white whale and their ahab trying to spear me.

Did someone say hypocrisy?

Democratic leaders in the House and Senate criticizing GOP groups for allegedly funneling foreign money into campaign ads have seen their party raise more than $1 million from political action committees affiliated with foreign companies.

House and Senate Democrats have received approximately $1.02 million this cycle from such PACs, according to an analysis compiled for The Hill by the Center for Responsive Politics. House and Senate GOP leaders have taken almost $510,000 from PACs on the same list.

Reprehensible hypocrisy….but I strongly doubt if anyone is shocked by this. Democrats have been the poster child for hypocrisy going on 40 years now.

Sent from my iPhone

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