Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Obama and Saudi Largest Arms Deal In History moving forward; Liberals Silent

RWB News: We know how Obama and his administration love to break records. You can add completing the largest arms deal in history with Saudi Arabia to the record number of Americans on food stamps, A record 14 months unemployment has risen and the deficit. Remember how George Bush was crucified for deals with the Saudi's by the Libs? And now Obama breaks the record? Kinda like the Patriot Act….Baaaad for Bush Gooood for Obama.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is expected to notify Congress on Wednesday of a multibillion-dollar sale of fighter jets and military helicopters to Saudi Arabia, officials said Tuesday.

The State Department scheduled a news conference for Wednesday to announce the deal, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the notification had not yet been made.

From the WSJ

Saudi Arms Deal Advances

White House to Notify Congress Soon of $60 Billion Package, Largest Ever for U.S.

The Obama administration is set to notify Congress of plans to offer advanced aircraft to Saudi Arabia worth up to $60 billion, the largest U.S. arms deal ever, and is in talks with the kingdom about potential naval and missile-defense upgrades that could be worth tens of billions of dollars more.

The administration plans to tout the $60 billion package as a major job creator—supporting at least 75,000 jobs, according to company estimates—and sees the sale of advanced fighter jets and military helicopters to key Middle Eastern ally Riyadh as part of a broader policy aimed at shoring up Arab allies against Iran.

The talks between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been widely known for months, but many new details are only now coming into focus. These include the number and type of aircraft involved, how much the Saudis intend to spend in an initial installment, and the ongoing negotiations to also upgrade the kingdom's navy and missile defenses.

The $60 billion in fighter jets and helicopters is the top-line amount requested by the Saudis, even though the kingdom is likely to commit initially to buying only about half that amount.

Read More: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704621204575488361149625050.html


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