Saturday, October 23, 2010

Illinois League of Women Voters Big Shot Who Bashed Pledge of Allegiance, Is Former ACORN Worker

It happened Wednesday night at the beginning of a debate between Democratic incumbent Melissa Bean, GOP challenger Joe Walsh and Green Party candidate Bill Scheurer.  The debate for Illinois 8th congressional district took place at Grayslake Central High School. While League of Women Voters moderator Kathy Tate-Bradish began explaining the rules of the debate an audience member raised his hand and (when called upon) asked if they were going to start with the Pledge of Allegiance. When she said no, the audience booed and almost all in the crowd of more than 300 stood and enthusiastically recited it anyway. Tate-Bradish, who joined in the pledge, issued a scolding when the crowd finished saying they are not allowed to disrespect her.

Ms Tate-Bradish took offense to the move and blamed it on the GOP candidate.

What seemed like a unanimous spontaneous show of Patriotism, gave Ms Tate-Bradish an opportunity to criticize the GOP Candidate in the press, saying that it was all the fault of the unruly republicans, the Executive director of the group echoed her sentiments. What  the press didn't report that both the moderator and the Executive Director have been very active in the progressive movement.

Ms Tate-Bradish, the moderator was very involved in the Illinois effort to make Barak Obama president, she even hosted campaign events for Obama in her own home.

Illinois League of Women Voters Executive Director Jan Czarnik said what happened at the debate and subsequent criticism directed at moderator Kathy Tate-Bradish was an attempt by supporters of Republican candidate Joe Walsh and tea party members to bully the organization.

By all of the press reports almost all of the crowd stood up to cite the pledge, so is Czarnik saying that Democrats don't believe in reciting the pledge?

I am sure her criticism of  Republicans and the Tea Party had absolutely nothing to do with the Fact she used to work for progressive mainstays such as ACORN's Project Vote, and the Progressive People for the American Way. Below is the notice of Ms Czarnik's hiring by the League.

"It's a phony patriotism issue is what it is," she said. "They must think it helps their campaign."
Walsh campaign manager Nick Provenzano said he still did not understand why Tate-Bradish did not appear to welcome the Pledge of Allegiance suggestion. He said it was spontaneous and not orchestrated by Walsh's campaign.

"That neutral stance (by Tate-Bradish) toward the Pledge of Allegiance is troublesome," he said.
....Island Lake resident Joseph Ptak, a Walsh supporter, claimed Friday he asked for the pledge at the debate. Provenzano said he was not certain who made the request.

Ptak, 58, a U.S. Air Force veteran, said the pledge was a proper way to begin the event that was in a high school and had student participation. He said many veterans were in the audience, and he objects to Czarnik questioning the request's sincerity.

"I'm a Joe Walsh supporter, but first and foremost I'm an American," Ptak said.
According to its website, the mission of the Illinois League of Woman Voters says that it is supposed to be non-partisan:
The League takes positions on issues, but neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate (appointed or elected) for public office.
Judging by their backgrounds and their reaction to a spontaneous public display of patriotism, neither Jan Czarnik nor Kathy Tate-Bradish fit a reasonable definition of non-partisan.
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