Monday, September 27, 2010

Obama: Hey! Let's keep kids in failed public schools longer!

Earlier this month, our governor had a brain fart: Granholm backs keeping children in failed public schools longer. As it is, our Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop was spot on correct when he said "Jennifer Granholm was Barack Obama before Barack Obama was Barack Obama." Obama wants the same thing - keep our children in indoctrination centers longer. It's a bad idea. Take Detroit Public Schools (DPS). That bureaucratic monstrosity graduates only 1 in 4 students and is the worst district in the nation. Back in January I had this: Question to Detroit School Board President: "What if every kid failed - should someone else step in?" Ans: "NO!" That's pretty much where they are at. That school board president, by the way, was functionally illiterate. Those not dropping out have such bad scores on national standardized tests that Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of the Great City Schools, had this to say:

"These numbers are only slightly better than what one would expect by chance as if the kids had never gone to school and simply guessed at the answers"
How to help the children? According to Obama (and Granholm before him), keep the kids in those same failed public schools longerIf Obama were serious about giving every child in Michigan a "world class education," he would have pushed a voucher system that would force every school to compete for students. The teachers unions and the school board are opposed to any intervention, however. Their track records speak for themselves. Loudly. Vouchers were a proven success in DC. Obama and his education secretary Arne Duncan were the architects that betrayed the children in Washington DC that was running a successful voucher program that proved to be both effective and cost only a quarter of what the public schools were taking in. Duncan and Obama had the data showing the success of the program before they decided to kill it off at the behest of the teacher unions. I have posted on that shameful act several times in this blog, such as these:
There is a big difference between supporting public education and supporting public schools and that gulf is widening by the day. So here we have Obama talking up education, which is akin to the late George Tiller giving a talk on the preciousness of human life. If you want to watch the full, nauseating 30 minutes, knock yourself out at this link, but here is the relevant snippet:
For a palette cleanser, I recommend this: Video: Valedictorian Uses Graduation Speech To Rail Against Public Schooling, "Indoctrination"
A longer school year full of substandard instruction won't help the problem. School choice will. Zombie had this great post over at Pajamas Media just a few weeks ago: Proposals for an Educational Renaissance. I like his list:
• Introduce competition into the educational marketplace.
This is a no-brainer. Parents across America are already clamoring for a voucher or tax-credit system whereby funding follows each individual student to any public, charter or private school of the parents' choosing. ...
• Encourage homeschooling
Homeschooling to this day remains a rarity in America. It is generally perceived as mostly the domain of religious parents who want to save their kids from the horrors of secularism in the public schools. Because of this, homeschooling is stigmatized in mainstream culture as the province of extremists. But as more parents wake up to the pervasive radical politicization of many public schools, homeschooling to save kids from political indoctrination is likely to grow more commonplace, as it should. ...
• Break the monopoly of public education, but keep it as a safety net
Public schooling will always have its flaws, mainly because it necessarily must be geared to the lowest common denominator. Even so, we cannot get rid of it entirely ...
There is a whole lot more over at that post that fills 3 full pages. It's a great read, and I can't recommend enough that you take a few minutes to read the whole thing. Obama doesn't care about and education renaissance. He wants to keep the status quo.

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